
"Dry Steam Vapor Cleaning System"

Questions and Answers



House Dust Mite is found in the housedust of most homes.  Many people are more allergic to mites than to the other house dust components.

Q: I've Heard Of Steam Cleaners Before, What's The Difference Between VaporMaster And The Ones I See Advertised?

A:For years, major manufacturers have used the words "Steam Cleaning" for products designed to wet wash carpeting and upholstery.  These are actually just water recovery systems.  They inject water mixed with chemicals into the carpet then vacuum it up and you pour it down the drain.  There's no heating element, no "real steam."  The carpet may take hours or even days to dry.   What's more, this wet washing actually removes the protective coating on natural fibers and leaves a detergent film coating on synthetic fibers.  In any event the carpet will soil faster after being washed requiring more frequent "cleaning."   VaporMaster, on the other had, uses hot dry steam to remove stains, not chemicals.  Surfaces dry clean and fast with no residue.

Q:  If the steam is over 300 degrees and under pressure, isn't steam cleaning dangerous?

A: No.  The VaporMaster is designed with more than enough safety features - pressure release valves, thermostats and solid state electronics.  The approvals by U.S. and European testing agencies are your assurance of safety and quality.  In use, obviously if the steam is directed to unprotected areas of the body, injury may result.  The same is true with steaming hot tap water or pans taken directly from the oven.  VaporMaster comes with complete operating instructions and safety tips for many years of service without risk.

Q:  Are some applications simply unsuitable for the VaporMaster?

A:  As with all appliances, there are some applications not suited for steam cleaning.  Use common sense.   Obviously, if what you're trying to clean would be damaged by hot, pressurized steam, don't do it.  We suggest you try VaporMaster on a small, hidden or protected area first

Q:  How does the VaporMaster work on carpets?

A:  There are two steps to good carpet cleaning.  First, a high-cleaner should be used to remove deep-down dirt - particles which if left in the carpet will actually cut its fibers.  The VaporMaster can then be used to remove the soil and dirt, which is on the surface of the carpet.

Q:  I know every area of my home is important, but what are the most critical areas to keep clean?

A:  You're right.  Every area is important, but the kitchen has to be at the top of the list.   After all, it's where we prepare what the family eats.  Counter tops, stoves, ovens, refrigerators, cutting boards - these areas must be clean and free of chemicals.   Next, is bathrooms.  It goes without saying they've got to be sparking clean and sanitary.  And the best way to keep them that way is to use the EuroSteam on the showers, tubs, commodes, and basins.  After that, comes bedrooms - the walls, ceilings, even mattresses and pillows must be sanitized.  The list goes on and on.   Your EuroSteam Representative will help further identity the key areas in your home.

Please get in contact with us by phone or E-Mail.   If you like we will send someone out to your home or business to show you how effective the VaporMaster is.  We're sure that once you see how effectively EuroSteam cleans your home, you'll join the many millions of families who already own this exciting product.

(817) 915-7433


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